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Scanning Content via REST API

Currently, the only way to use Soteri’s Scanning Service is via the rest API.

Try it out by visiting our API browser!

Soteri’s Scanning Service does not store any user data. All content sent to the Scanning API is immediately discarded after scanning.

Scan a Single File

Using curl:

curl -F file=@"file.txt"

Using python’s Requests library:

import requests

files = {
    'file': ('file.txt', open('file.txt', 'rb')),

response ='', files=files)

Scan Multiple Files

The same endpoint can be used to scan multiple files. Please note the Quotas and Limits imposed.

Using curl:

curl -F file=@"file-1.txt" -F file=@"file-2.txt"

Using python’s Requests library:

import requests

files = [
    ('file', ('file-1.txt', open('file-1.txt', 'rb'))),
    ('file', ('file-2.txt', open('file-2.txt', 'rb'))),

response ='', files=files)

Request Query Parameters

By default:

  • Files which have no findings are not included in results. To see the, include them includeEmpty query parameter.

  • Files which were skipped (could not be scanned because they were not in a supported file format) are not included in results. To see them, include the includeSkipped query parameter.

  • Allow-listed findings are not included in results. To see them, include the includeAllowlisted query parameter. For more information on allow-listing, see Allow-listing False Positives.

curl -F file=@"file.txt"

Using python’s Requests library:

import requests

params = {
    'includeEmpty': 'true',
    'includeSkipped': 'true',
    'includeAllowlisted': 'true',

files = {
    'file': ('file.txt', open('file.txt', 'rb')),

response ='', params=params, files=files)

More Complete Examples

More complete examples can be found in our example application repository on Github.

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