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REST API for Scripting & Automation

This documentation does not include all REST API endpoints. Please contact support if you need REST API access not documented here. All REST API endpoints are available in the REST API Browser.

Using the REST API Browser

If you’re using Bitbucket Server, you can use the built-in REST API Browser to see all the REST API Endpoints available in your Bitbucket Instance, including those provided by Security for Bitbucket. Follow Atlassian’s instructions for Using the REST API Browser first, to ensure that you can access it.

To see all Security for Bitbucket REST endpoints, ensure that “Show only public APIs” is unchecked, and search for security/.

Authentication and basic parameters

Reference the Bitbucket REST API for Bitbucket’s built-in REST API, e.g. for querying lists of projects and repositories.

All requests use basic HTTP authentication. It is natively supported by most clients, such as python requests and curl.

All the URLs in the examples below are relative to the address of the Bitbucket Server instance.

If scanning a private repository (i.e. not part of a project), use ~username as the project-key parameter.

Disabling XRSF checks

Some of these API will fail by default if called from a host that is not part of the Bitbucket instance. To enable calling these APIs remotely, you may add the following header as documented here:

Example (python):

disable_xsrf_checks_header = {
    "X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check"
requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), headers=disable_xsrf_checks_header)

Turning the security pre-receive hook on or off for a repository

By default, the pre-receive hook setting at the individual repository level starts as inherited, so it will trigger or not according to the pre-receive hook setting at the project level as documented here. However, it can be changed so that it ignores the project-level setting.

Changing the pre-receive hook setting at the repository level via REST is a two-step process.


curl -u admin -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"warnOnVulnerabilities":false}' https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/settings/hooks/


  • admin is your Bitbucket admin user (you'll be prompted for a password)

  • bitbucket.server is URL of your Bitbucket server

  • projectKey is the key of the project

  • repoSlug is the slug (identifier) of the repository

On Windows, the correct format for the data option is --data "{\"warnOnVulnerabilities\":false}".

If it is desired that a commit with vulnerabilities goes through but warning messages are sent to the committer, replace false with true.

Then, to enable the security hook for a specific repository:

curl -u admin -X PUT https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/settings/hooks/

Alternately, to disable the security hook for a specific repository:

curl -u admin -X DELETE https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/settings/hooks/

Once the security hook is actually enabled, you may change its warning behavior by executing the first step above again, replacing the Boolean in the data option with true or false as desired.

To revert this setting to its default value of inherited:

curl -u admin -X DELETE https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/settings/hooks/

Once the the pre-receive hook setting at the repository level has been reverted to inherited, you will need to execute the first step above again before enabling or disabling the security hook.

Turning the security pre-receive hook on or off for a project

The REST API Calls for turning on or off the pre-receive hook for a project are just like the ones for a repository, but exclude the /repos/{repoSlug} portion of the URL. For example:

curl -u admin -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"warnOnVulnerabilities":false}' https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/settings/hooks/
curl -u admin -X PUT https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/api/latest/projects/{projectKey}/settings/hooks/

Fetch the security status of one or more projects

curl -u admin https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/status/projects?start={start}&limit={limit}&name={name}

This returns a paged API JSON response of the security status of all projects.


  • start is the “offset” and limit is the number of projects to fetch

  • name is an optional parameter which allows for filtering projects by name (not the project key).

Fetch the security status of one or more repositories

curl -u admin https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/status/projects/{projectKey}/repos?start={start}&limit={limit}&name={name}

This returns a paged API JSON response of the security status of all repositories in a project.


  • projectKey is the project containing the repositories.

  • start is the 0-based “offset” and limit is the number of repositories to fetch

  • name is an optional parameter which allows for filtering repositories by name (not the repo slug).

For example, to list the first eight repository scan results, use a start of 0 and a limit of 8. To list the next five repository scan results, use a start of 8 and a limit of 5.

Fetch the security status of one or more branches

curl -u admin https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/status/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/branches?name={name}

This returns a paged API JSON response of the security status of all a branches in a repository.


  • projectKey is the project containing the repositories.

  • repoSlug is the repository slug whose branches we want to fetch

  • start is the “offset” and limit is the number of repositories to fetch

  • name is an optional parameter which allows for filtering branches by name.

Fetching scan results for a specific branch

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/scan/{project-key}/repos/{repository-key}

  • Parameters

    • branch: default repository branch used if omitted

    • includeAllowlisted: true to include failing lines which have been whitelisted.

    • rule: scan status for a specific rule. Overall scan results if omitted.

  • Response (JSON encoded):

    • scanKey: Unique key that can be used to refer to this scan, once subsequent scans are triggered

    • scanned (boolean): True if scan results are present for the branch

    • actual (boolean): True if scan results are for the latest commit on the branch, false if the branch has been updated since the last scan.

    • progress (int): Percentage progress, between 0 and 100.

    • running (boolean)

    • scheduled (boolean)

    • invalidLides: The list of vulnerabilities found. Only available once a scan has completed (scanned=true)

Example (python):

response = requests.get(f"{domain}/rest/security/1.0/scan/{project}/repos/{repo_key}",
                        auth=('username', 'password'))
scanned = response.json()['scanned']
up_to_date = response.json()['actual']

Kicking off a new repository scan

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/scan/{project-key}/repos/{repository-key}

  • Parameters

    • branch: default repository branch used if omitted

Example (python):

                         auth=('username', 'password'))

Cancelling a running or queued scan

  • Method: DELETE

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/scan/{project-key}/repos/{repository-key}

  • Parameters

    • scanKey: identifier of the scan to cancel

Example (python):

                         auth=('username', 'password'))

Export scan results as CSV

This API endpoint is for exporting a single branch only. To export multiple branches or multiple repositories, reference REST API for Mass Scanning

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/export-report/{project-key}/repos/{repository-key}

  • Parameters

    • branch: default repository branch used if omitted

    • includeAllowlisted: true to include failing lines which have been whitelisted.

    • ruleType: scan results for a specific rule. All rules included by default.

Example (python):

response = requests.get(f"{domain}/rest/security/1.0/export-report/{project_key}/repos/{repo_key}",
with open('results.csv', 'w') as f:


Fetching a list of all global rules

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/rules

  • Response (JSON encoded):

    • List of rules. Each rule has the fields id, name, regexp, hardcoded, and enabled

      • hardcoded: this boolean will be “False” for custom rules. “True” for built-in rules

      • id: Unique identifier that can be used to refer to custom rules in other API endpoints

      • name: Display name of the rule.

      • regexp: Regular expression for the rule. Only available for custom rules.

Example (python):

response = requests.get(f"{domain}/rest/security/1.0/rules", auth=creds)
custom_rules = [x for x in response.json() if not x['hardcoded']]

Fetch the names of all available rules for a specific repository

Due to the presence of custom soteri-security.yml files, some branches may have additional scan rules available in addition to the global ones. This API call returns the full list of rules for a specific branch of a specific repository.

  • Method: GET

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/scan/{project-key}/rule_types/{repository-key}

  • Parameters

    • branch: default repository branch used if omitted.

  • Response (JSON encoded):

    • list of rule names. Disabled rules are also included.

Example (python):

response = requests.get(f"{domain}/rest/security/1.0/scan/{project}/rule_types/{repo_key}",
                        auth=creds, params={'branch': 'master'})

Globally enabling a built-in rule

Rules can only be enabled or disabled globally (for all repositories) via the REST API. To disable or enable rules (or add custom rules) on a repository level, please update soteri-security.yml as documented here. This API requires Bitbucket administrator access or explicit access given through the plugins settings page.

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/hardcoded/{rule-name}

  • Result: None. Enables the named rule globally.

response ="{domain}/rest/security/1.0/hardcoded/RSA", auth=creds)

Globally disabling a built-in rule

Rules can only be enabled or disabled globally (for all repositories) via the REST API. To disable or enable rules (or add custom rules) on a repository level, please update soteri-security.yml as documented here. This API requires Bitbucket administrator access or explicit access given through the plugins settings page.

  • Method: DELETE

  • URL: /rest/security/1.0/hardcoded/{rule-name}

  • Result: None. Enables the named rule globally.

response = requests.delete(f"{domain}/rest/security/1.0/hardcoded/RSA", auth=creds)

Reviewed Lines

This section documents the REST API for reviewing findings. For more information, see Hiding false positives, revoked credentials, etc..

Creating a reviewed line

curl -u admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/review-lines/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/create" --data '{"matchText": "$MATCH"}'
  • bitbucket.server is URL of your Bitbucket server

  • projectKey is the key of the project this reviewed line is for.

  • repoSlug is the slug (identifier) of the repository this reviewed line is for.

  • $MATCH is the exact string to be reviewed.

Deleting a reviewed line

curl -u admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/review-lines/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/delete" --data '{"matchText": "$MATCH"}'
  • bitbucket.server is URL of your Bitbucket server

  • projectKey is the key of the project the reviewed line to delete.

  • repoSlug is the slug (identifier) of the repository for the reviewed line to delete.

  • $MATCH is the exact string that should be unmarked as reviewed.

Deleting all reviewed lines for a repository

curl -u admin -X DELETE "https://{bitbucket.server}/rest/security/latest/review-lines/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repoSlug}/delete"
  • bitbucket.server is URL of your Bitbucket server

  • projectKey is the key of the project the reviewed line to delete.

  • repoSlug is the slug (identifier) of the repository for the reviewed line to delete.

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