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Defining Repository-Level Detection Rules

Some repositories may have specific requirements for vulnerability detection which differ from the rules defined globally.

To address repository-specific needs, you can use a per-repository configuration file. This file is committed to an individual repositories and affects only the repository where they are committed. When this option is enabled, Security for Bitbucket looks for a file named soteri-security.yml at the root of the repository. You will need to create and commit this file yourself if the repository has no soteri-security.yml yet.

Rules and options configured in this file are used both when repository content is updated (if Soteri - Scan Commits hook is enabled) and when you trigger scan manually from Security Scan tab of the repository.

As of version 3.10.0, this file is always loaded from the latest commit of the default branch. This ensures that scans of even historical branches are conducted with the most up-to-date configuration.

Per-repository configuration is disabled by default. The global settings page has a toggle to enable custom repository rules support:

The per-repository rules configuration toggle on Security For Bitbucket's global settings page.

The per-repository rules toggle on Security For Bitbucket’s global settings page

Supported Configuration

This table documents all supported soteri-security.yml configuration options.

Option key


inherit_builtin_rules (default true)

Set this to false to NOT inherit built-in rules. If true, file contents are checked against built-in rules

inherit_custom_rules (default true)

Set this to false to NOT inherit globally defined custom rules. If true, file contents are checked against globally defined custom rules.


Use this field to apply a certain set of built-in rules. You can use this in conjunction with inherit_builtin_rule: false to define a specific set of rules to check against, or to re-enable a globally disabled rule. Rule names can be referenced from the settings page, or Vulnerabilities Detected by Security for Bitbucket.


Use this field to define and apply your own custom rules. Rules are defined as key value pairs{rule_name}: {rule_regexp} with the same formatting as the custom rules page. Note, that if you re-define a rule with the same name as one of custom rules, it will override the global custom rule.


Use this list to mark specific files or paths (using a regular expression as the value) as allowed even if they contain vulnerabilities. This can be useful for storing some non-sensitive credentials and configuration data. See more details on allow-listing here: Allow-listing Detected Secrets

Below is an example of a soteri-security.yml config:

inherit_builtin_rules: false
inherit_custom_rules: false
  # Comments are supported.
  BITCOIN_ADDRESS: '^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,33}$'
  YOUTUBE_LINKS: '<a\s+(?:[^>]*)href=\"((?:https|http):\/\/\w{0,3}.youtube+\.\w{2,3}\/watch\?v=[\w-]{11})">(?:.*?)<\/a>'
  - config/server.yml
  - (.*)\.insecure

Merge Hook

When per-repository rules are enabled, any pull requests which might invalidate soteri-security.yml on the default branch will be blocked by the included merge hook. Pull requests whose merge will be rejected must:

  • Target a repository’s default branch, and

  • Modify soteri-security.yml such that it is no longer valid. Examples of potential reasons soteri-security.yml could be invalid:

    • Doesn’t parse as a valid YAML. You can use online tools to check that your YAML is valid before committing, like this one.

    • Properties don’t parse as expected (e.g. inherit_builtin_rules must be parsable as a boolean).

    • Provided regular expressions are invalid (e.g. for allowlist_paths or any defined custom_rules). You can use online tools to validate that your regexes are valid before committing, like this one.

    • Rule names that don’t have regular expressions associated with them.

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