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Scan Performance

Viewing and changing parallel scans

Security for Confluence distributes scanning to every Confluence Data Center node, and by default runs 2 scans in parallel per node. This number can be configured in the UI or via the REST API. Scans beyond the number of scans run in parallel are stored in a queue. This queue is accessible to all Confluence nodes.

Changing parallel scans via the UI

To change number of scans in parallel per node, visit the Soteri Settings page. You can see a dropdown where you can choose number of parallel scans per node.

localhost_1990_confluence_plugins_servlet_soteri_settings (9) copy 2.png

Troubleshooting number of available processors

In certain situations, the number of processors detected by Security for Confluence might not match the number of processors actually available to the server. If you are running in a Docker deployment and believe you should have more processing power available, you should update your JVM flags as discussed in

Changing parallel scans via the REST API

For information on REST API usage, see REST API For Scripting and Automation | Viewing-and-Changing-Settings

  • This call returns a positive integer which is the configured number of parallel scans.

  • To maximize scanning performance, you can specify the value 0 to use all available CPUs.

Modifying which Confluence nodes run scans

If you have multiple Confluence Data Center nodes running, you can choose which ones run scans. This feature current is only supported via the REST API.

Name the nodes that should participate in scanning

Note that Confluence Data Center will not prevent you from naming nodes identically. If two nodes are named identically, and Security for Confluence is configured such that scans should run on that node name, then scans will run on both nodes.

Use Confluence’s concept of naming cluster nodes to name the nodes you wish to participate in scanning. See the “Changing the node identifier” section in Atlassian’s documentation on Adding and removing Data Center nodes.

See and change which nodes are running scans

To see which nodes are participating in scanning:

curl -u admin -X GET https://{confluence.server}/rest/security/latest/cluster/scan-nodes


  • admin is your Confluence admin user (you’ll be prompted for a password), and

  • confluence.server is the URL of your Confluence server.

This will return a JSON formatted response which looks like this:

  "scanNodeNames": [],
  "message": "Scan node configuration is empty. All nodes will participate in scanning"

To change which nodes run scans:

curl -u admin -X PUT https://{confluence.server}/rest/security/latest/cluster/scan-nodes -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"scanNodeNames": [{scanNodeNames}]}'


  • admin is your Confluence admin user (you’ll be prompted for a password),

  • confluence.server is the URL of your Confluence server, and

  • scanNodeNames is a list of the node names you want to participate in scanning; e.g., "confluence-scan-node1", "confluence-scan-node2".

To reset back to the default behavior, where all nodes participate in scanning, send a DELETE to the same endpoint:

curl -u admin -X DELETE https://{confluence.server}/rest/security/latest/cluster/scan-nodes

or, you can make scanNodeNames empty:

curl -u admin -X PUT https://{confluence.server}/rest/security/latest/cluster/scan-nodes -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"scanNodeNames": []}'

Both have the same effect.

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